Mr. Sathya Shankar: The Reason Behind “Bindu Jeera Masala” Success

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Mr. Sathya Shankar born in Bellare village near Puttur in an agriculture family.He studied PUC ( The goal is to become a business man so he quit studies). The role model of Mr Shankar was Dhirubai Ambani and the Aim was to grow new heights similar to Dhirubai Ambani.

Mr.Shankar wanted to start his own business but had no money so he choose to start his humble career as an auto rickshaw driver under the aid of self employment scheme of the Central government. The auto Shankar with his disciplined professionalism did well in the first phase of his career and less than in an year he closed his auto loan and soon sold it.In the successive step,in a filmi style Mr.Shankar bought a diesel ambassador car, he himself drove the vehicle to offer best possible service to his customers. After about an year and half he again wanted to rise above further, his inner self desired more and therefore he chose to sold his car to make a profit of 1 Lakh in the year 1987-88.

Mr.Shankar was now ready to take the next big leap and challenge. Accordingly he started his automobile spare parts shop in Puttur in December 1987 as a naive in this business town despite apprehensions from his close associates. Puttur is a small town in the western ghats of Karnataka. The place is a scenic green abode gifted with pollution free nature and tranquility far away from the din of urban habitats.In the year 1989 he sensed the demand and set up the tyre dealership shop too.

Mr.Shankar being a man from a middle class family always intends to help the people around him. He initially used to lend money to deprived drivers to purchase the used transport vehicles.He reads the writing on the wall,on one side there were more drivers from the neighbouring areas seeking banks to lend loans for used vehicles and on the other side the banks within the purview of their banking protocols had no policies to issue any such loans. Then  Mr Shankar sensed a business feasibility and expanded his business horizons by moving into auto finances by setting up Praveen Capital in 1994. The business picked up very well and with 9 branches spread now accross the state of Karnataka,the Praveen Capital provides vehicle and land loans as services.

Mr. Sathya Shankar is a man of dreams and aspirations having set high targets and pushing boundaries. He always had his feet firmly on the ground but aimed high. Mr  Shankar always had the craving to set up the manufacturing industry to provide large employment to the people and so he tried his tryst with to set up packaged water plant and so launched the product 'Bindu Mineral Water'

Pleased with the response to the product,he was more decisive to launch another flagship product-Bindu Jeera Masala in 2002 despite a lot of negative reviews and perceptions from all stackholders. The critics not only wanted Mr Shankar to manufacture a product resembling cola or orange but they also predicted the near death of jeera masala drink calling it a 'flop product'.But Mr Shankar didn't heed to the negative responses of the people around as he expected this conventional product to do well in the market. The product failed to excel in the market as about 40% of the drink shall return back to the company in the formative years of the drink.But Mr Shankar did not lose the heart as he strongly believed that the indigenious jeera masala drink shall be accepted by people of all classes and today it proudly stands as the most selling product of SG Corporates both nationally and internationally.

Mr Sathya Shankar has tried his tryst with organic farming to fruit processing to packaged food products. In all this,SG group is united by the single cause to provide the taste of happiness to the customers.The pleasure in innovation and commitment of the SG Corporates is mirrored in the heart winning quality of its wide products and the staggering success story of the company stands.

The turnover of the company was just Rs 35 Lakhs in 2001. It dramatically jumped to 6 Crores in 2006.Then the company dared to dream a frightening figure of 100 crores mark by 2010 and it sealed it too with focus & determination. SG corporate's insatiable thirst for the growth of the company went unabated.It challenged its own figures of success and went on to clinch the unbelievable mark of 250 Crores in 2013.

Mr Sathya Shankar,the man behind the glory/splendid story of SG Corporates disagree with the usage of the word 'impossible'. According to him it is to be aptly replaced by the words 'possibly difficult'. It is this belief of Sathya Shankar which is powering the SG corporates to be the one of the fastest growing and highly successful companies in India.This perhaps made him the iconic industrialist of Karnataka.

SG Product Range includes

Bindu Packaged Water

Bindu Fizz Jeera Masala

Zivo Soda

Fruzon- Fizzy Cloudy Lemon, Fizzy Orange, Fizzy Green Apple…Etc

Sipon Mango Drink

Guava Drink

Snack up Chips,Bhujias, Puffs, Moong Dal….Etc

Bindu Gold Cooking oil