Srinivas Murthy: The story of a good Samaritan and the raise of Amrith Noni

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This article throws light on a person who became an entrepreneur accidentally to help others in relieving their pain. Srinivas Murthy first manufactured the medicine for himself and after he got cured he started to give others to relieve them of their pain and gradually started to produce the product on large scale to facilitate others.  Srinivas Murthy was a farmer who had coffee and betel nut plantations in Thirthahalli and Sringeri. While digging a well in his land along with few others he sprained his back , when he approached for medical assistance he was on traction and the pain was gone but only temporarily, it returned after a few months and any medical aid gave him temporary relief till it reached the  stage where he had difficulty in moving around as he had pain in joints and couldn’t move. At this stage of his life, he had many responsibilities in life as his children were small and his house was still under construction only half completed. At this juncture one of his friends told him about Noni juice which was being procured from Chennai at a price of 2500 per liter, though initially he was a bit hesitant he later did R & D to find out that the juice helped in arthritis.

He also found out it was mentioned in Sushrutha Samhita as Ayushphala and these shrubs grew in the forests of Gokarna, so he procured a sac of these to drink the juice and found out that they were too bitter in taste and smell and couldn’t be consumed as it is. Later when he contacted one of his friend a Professor in Ayurveda College, he told him that he would teach them to make it consumable. Srinivasa Murthy procured the fruits again from the forests of Gokarna and his friend added some ayurvedic herbs into it and taught Mrs Murthy to make a juice which was consumable. After drinking this for few months Srinivas Murthy noticed remarkable changes in his health condition and after consuming it for 1 year he was able to walk on his own without much pain. This was in the year 2004, through this journey Srinivas Murthy had planted the seeds and had grown few Noni plants in his garden and farm.

He then started preparing the juice and he started to help his friends and others who were suffering from various pains, when they started to get relieved from their ailments they started to tell others and it spread and people from far off places started to visit him to get the juice. He started giving it to them in the bottles and can they brought along with them. Then as more and more people started to come seeking his help he had to move from his remote village to Shimoga to help people and started the factory to prepare on large scale.

Range of Products:

The production of this oil started on large scale he  along with his friends did R & D and developed many other products according to the ailments such as: Amrith Noni D+ for diabetes, Amrith Noni Atho plus for arthritis, Amrith Noni Stree Sanjivini for women problems, Amrith Noni Power plus as general tonic, soaps, Hairoil, Painoil etc.

How to Grow Noni

Noni trees are shrubs which can be grown easily bear fruits within 3 months of planting it and they give 8 crops per year with an harvesting time of 45 days between one another. At first they grew it in 2 acres in Thirthahalli and later encouraged other farmers and now they are grown on large scale and even have a growers association. These are evergreen shrubs which are green throughout the year. Noni has 164 nutrients required for human body.


After thorough lab tests and clinical trials this oil has been marketing and sold commercially to consumers. Many people treat Srinivas Murthy as Doctor. The fruits are washed in RO filtration unit thoroughly and are transferred to vessels along with the required ayurvedic ingredients according to the requirements, they then are transferred through debit rating process to remove smell and bitter taste, They do masking process and make it consumable with inclusion of other ingredients. It takes 6 hours to complete one batch and they manufacture 2 batches per day. There are 2 production blocks in the factory and investment is 1.25 Cr for the first unit and 1.5 Cr for bigger one. Every process is done through machines in a Hygienic environment. They have started to even source thrie products and market in Tamilnadu and Maharashtra States as well. Noni can be consumed by one and all above the age of 1 year. The Local University has introduced tea powder and there are plans to export this products to other countries in the near future.

Srinivas Murthy’s wife  Ambujakshi also helps them in the process and this enterprise is giving job opportunities to many locals. Amrith Noni is proving to be Amrith for the health of people as the name suggests.

If you want learn more about Amrith Noni, you can visit their website at or reach out to them at 9513613368 

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