World’s youngest billionaire, who bought his own bungalow at the age of 6

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Mompha Jnr was described as the “world’s youngest billionaire” who owned his first mansion at the age of 6 and “travels the globe by private jet.”

At the age at which children should have toys, at that age a 9 year old child has only money. This child is not an ordinary child, but a billionaire child. This kid is very famous on social media. When this child was 6 years old, then he had his own bungalow, today at the age of 9, he has a car, jet and what not. Today we are going to tell you about the youngest child in the world, whose lifestyle is a bit different.

Muhammed Lawal Mustapha, popularly called Mompha Jnr is the son of Nigerian billionaires and CEO of the month bureau de change. Due to his father being a billionaire, this makes months junior an apparent heir to the investment. Mompha junior has an estimated net worth of N150 million.

He is known in real life as months junior and is said to be the youngest billionaire in Nigeria after receiving multitude and fleets of cars, and mansion from his father, months. Reports have seen by having it that he is the youngest rich kid, car owner, and landlord among his peers.

His riches have become possible through his father who has decided to ensure that he provided everything his son needs to be comfortable in life.

Mompha Jnr. is the son of Mohammed Mustapha Lawal, the CEO of Mompha Bureau De Change. 

The little Mompha is every bit enjoying the wealth of his father as he hasbeen gifted with different types of cars and mansions from his father.

He is said to be the youngest landlord in the country.

When it comes to cash, Mompha Jnr also seems to be lacking none as he has pictures on Instagram where he is flaunting bundles of cash.

Mompha Jnr also has taste when it comes to his fashion style as he is usually dressed in Gucci, Fendi, Versace, and lots more. When he is not taking pictures with luxurious cars, Mompha Jnr is pictured dining inexpensive flights.

Mompha Jnr indeed is the richest kid in Nigeria, and this is possible by his father's riches who seem to make his heritage comfortable in life.