Karnataka Co-operative Milk Producers' Federation Limited - (KMF)

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The Brand "Nandini" is the household name for Pure and Fresh milk and milk products. Nandini is the Karnataka's highest selling and most preferred milk.

The Karnataka Milk Federation (KMF) is a dairy cooperative from Karnataka, India, which sells products such as milkcurdsgheebutterice cream and sweets  under the brand name Nandini. It is a federation of milk producers under the ownership of Ministry of CooperationGovernment of Karnataka. Almost every district in state of Karnataka has milk producing co-operatives. The milk is collected from farmers who are its members, processed and sold in the market by the brand of Nandini. It is the second largest milk co-operative in India after Amul.

Karnataka Cooperative Milk Producers' Federation Limited (KMF) is the Apex Body for the dairy co-operative movement  in Karnataka. It is the second largest dairy co-operative amongst the dairy cooperatives in the country. In South India it stands first in terms of procurement as well as sales. One of the core functions of the Federation is marketing of Milk and Milk Products. The Brand "Nandini" is the household name for Pure and Fresh milk and milk products. KMF has 14 Milk Unions covering all the districts of  the State which procure milk from Primary Dairy Cooperative Societies(DCS) and distribute milk to the consumers in various Towns/Cities/Rural markets in Karnataka. 

The first of the dairy co-operatives that make up KMF started in 1955 in Kudige, Kodagu District. KMF was founded in 1974 as Karnataka Dairy Development Corporation (KDDC) to implement a dairy development project run by the World Bank. In 1984 the organisation was renamed KMF.

Rajkumar has worked as the ambassador, free of cost and had done his first and last television commercial in 1996. Later Puneeth Rajkumar was selected as the ambassador for Nandini Products. In Dec 2009, Puneeth Rajkumar signed an agreement with KMF, free of cost. In 2014 Shriya Saran was selected as Nandini Good Life Product Ambassador in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh.

The Federation is striving to create a self-reliant and vibrant rural economy in Karnataka by providing a supportive and conducive environment for the growth of Dairy Cooperatives as autonomous economic and social institutions. The Federation is largely successful in realizing the objectives of dairying during the last four decades of dairy development in Karnataka State. It is by-and-large successful in providing a viable subsidiary occupation to unemployed rural poor so as to raise their income earning capacities and to supply adequate quantity of quality milk at reasonable prices to urban consumers.

The results of effective dairy development by KMF have made far-reaching and extensive impact on rural landscape in Karnataka. The best remunerative milk purchase price to farmers, efficient and timely input services, delivered at the door-steps to farmers, such as, unfailing veterinary health services to any remote village, quality artificial insemination for breed improvements, supply of balance cattle feed at less than the market price, etc., have made the farmers to increasingly patronize their cooperative. The extent of patronization by farmers is so complete, that dominant share of marketable surplus milk of farmers in Karnataka is procured by KMF dairies and hardly there is any organized private dairy milk procurement, which is widely prevalent in other parts of the country.


To march forward with a missionary zeal which will make KMF a trailblazer of exemplary performance and achievements beckoning other Milk Federations in the country in pursuit of total emulation of its good deeds.


To ensure the prosperity of the rural Milk producers who are ultimate owners of the Federation.

To promote a producer-oriented viable cooperative society to impart an impetus to the rural income, dairy productivity, and rural employment.

To abridge the gap between the price of milk procurement and sale price.

To develop business acumen in marketing and trading disciplines so as to serve consumers with quality milk, and give a fillip to the income of milk producers.

To compete with MNCs and Private Dairies with better quality milk and milk products and in the process sustain the invincibility of cooperatives.


Heralding economic, social, and cultural prosperity in the lives of our milk producer members by promoting vibrant, self-sustaining, and holistic cooperative dairy development in Karnataka State.