Celebrating Sisterhood: A Heartfelt Women's Day Tribute to My Sis Squad
March 11, 2025
March 14, 2025,6:58:12 PM
Not everyone likes milk, do they? But Milk is supposed to be the best source of calcium source to our body. When the talk comes about milk, one remembers Nandini. But who are the manufacturers of this product?
The answer is Karnataka Cooperative Milk Producers’ Federation Limited well known as KMF.
Karnataka Cooperative Milk Producers' Federation Limited (KMF) is an Apex Body for the dairy revolution movement in Karnataka. It's the second largest dairy united amongst the dairy cooperatives in the country. In South India it stands first in terms of procurement as well as deals. One of the core functions of the Federation is marketing of Milk and Milk Products. The Brand "Nandini" is the ménage name for Pure and Fresh milk and milk products. KMF has 14 Milk Unions covering all the sections of the State which land milk from Primary Dairy Cooperative Societies (DCS) and distribute milk to the consumers in Urban / Metropolises/ Rural requests in Karnataka.
Karnataka Dairy Development Cooperation (KDDC), the first ever World Bank/ International Development Agency funded Dairy Development Program in the country started in Karnataka on united lines with the organization of Village level Position Dairy Co-operatives in 1974. The AMUL pattern of dairy co-operatives started performing in Karnataka from 1974-75 with the financial backing from World Bank/ IDA, Operation Flood II & III. The Anand Pattern three league organization structure – Dairy Cooperative Societies at the village position, District Milk Unions at the District position to take care of the procurement, processing and marketing of milk and give specialized input services for enhancing milk product at directors position and Confederation at the state position to co-ordinate the growth of the sector in the State, are intensively and harmoniously working hand-in- hand in creating tone- sustaining pastoral frugality grounded on collaborative dairying. KMF is one of the many coalitions in the country, who have converted dairying from a attachment occupation into an assiduity.
Collaboration of conditioning among the Unions and developing request for Milk and Milk products is the responsibility of KMF. Marketing Milk in the separate governance is organized by the separate Milk Unions. Supernumerary/ deficiency of liquid milk among the member Milk Unions is covered by the Federation. While the marketing of all the Milk Products is organized by KMF, both within and outside the State, all the Milk and Milk products are vended under a common brand name NANDINI.
KMF has taken up certain CSR activites which includes “Ksheera Bhagya Yojana” where they supply milk to all the government schools for the welfare of children’s health. They also have schemes like “Ksheera Sanjeevini - A Women Empowerment Program” where every women is given training for the milk required to be produced by a single house having cows. KMF also provide industrial trainings for the aspiring students.
KMF products.
KMF with the brand name of Nandini are producers of many milk products like Milk, Curd, Ghee, Butter, Milk powder, Frozen desserts, Ice creams, Milk sweets, chocolates and other products like Panner, Cheese, Flavoured milk and few snacks like Kara boondhi, Mixture, cookies etc.
Know your Milk
The nutritional value in milk is given down in the picture below.
The Growth of KMF and its turnover.
Below is an attached snippet of KMF and average sales of each product and also its yearly turnover for past 6 years
The results of effective dairy development by KMF have made far- reaching and expansive impact on pastoral geography in Karnataka. The stylish lucrative milk purchase price to growers, effective and timely input services, delivered at the door- way to growers, similar as, unerring veterinary health services to any remote vill, quality artificial copulation for strain advancements, force of balance cattle feed at lower than the request price, etc., have made the growers to decreasingly patronize their collaborative. The extent of patronization by growers is so complete, that dominant share of marketable fat milk of growers in Karnataka is carried by KMF dairies and hardly there's any systematized private dairy milk procurement, which is extensively current in other corridor of the country.
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