Mohammad Irfan: Man Behind The Stellar Rise of Falcon Industries

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There has been a wave of entrepreneurship going around our incredible country. We've seen a rise in businesses, big and small. 

Young people are coming in with fresh ideas and a newfound approach to old problems. 

But what sets Mohammad Irfan apart is his honesty, integrity, and his commitment to customer satisfaction. By adhering to these values, Irfan, along with his partners, has taken their company, Falcon Industries, to heights even they hadn't contemplated. 

Mohammad Irfan, the Managing Director and the passionate vein of Falcon Industries has made his mark as an Agriculture-solution provider at the mere age of 23!

For someone in his early 20s to be able to understand the market and the customer needs so well as he does is an achievement in itself. Talking to Mohammad Irfan the other day, I was surprised by his in-depth research of his competition in the market and his readiness to take on whatever challenges Falcon Industries is faced with. 

Mohammad Irfan: The Falcon of His Company

Yes. Falcon, indeed, because once I got to know him and his values behind starting his own business, it became clear that for him, the customer truly is God. He values customers like he would his family members. 

Falcon Industries is not out to fleece its buyers with hiked-up prices. Oh, no. They want to provide them with the best products that uphold their quality, without burning a hole in their pockets. 

And this is what sets Falcon Industries apart from other companies on the same playing field. Where business owners are always looking to fill their banks, Irfan's policy is to first think about the end consumer and to come up with new ways to keep the costs as minimal as possible while never compromising on the quality and longevity of their products. 

But wait, what products does Falcon Industries specialise in?

Let me tell you all about it. 

                                                        UPVC RAINWATER GUTTER PIPES

Falcon Industries: The Rising Adhesive Prince of The Agriculture Market

Although Falcon Industries has seen a stellar rise in fabricated fittings, rain gutter pipes, and PVC pipings of all kinds, it's the Adhesives (mainly used for agriculture purposes) that got them recognition and name in the market. 

Irfan's idea behind marketing their PVC Adhesives, along with other products, was to sell their products as quickly and widely as chocolateaschocolates" and for that, he did his research and finally reached out to the potential customers. 

Can you imagine that? The MD himself goes to the end consumer to convince them to try out his products.

How often do you see that? 

Mohammad Irfan's humility and dedication to his work were the propellers that ultimately convinced his first customers to leave the so-called sharks of the same field and give their relatively small company a try. 

And hey, that was all he needed, didn't he? 

Because Irfan's belief in his products' quality is so well-placed that he knew that once the customers take a step towards Falcon Industries and their stellar products, they wouldn't ever want to go back. 

And that's what happened as well. 

The 6-Month-Success Story of Falcon Industries

I could feel excitement rolling off every word Irfan spoke when he told me how within a mere 6 months of starting their business, they were selling their products indeed like "chocolates" as Irfan so aptly put it. 

Since starting the company in 2022, they have come far, when you look at the numbers. From making 15-16 lacs profits in 2022, Falcon Industries rocketed to a whopping 1 cr.  in profits just in the last financial year!

That speaks very highly about the sheer quality and customer satisfaction that Falcon Industries brings to the table for the end consumer.

They have made their mark in this otherwise competitive market, which is all thanks to the stellar OG team, Hamza Navunda (Founder and Chairman), Mohammad Irfan (Managing Director), and K.I. Mubashir. (Director)

Falcon Industries: A 7-Member Force 

Mohammad Irfan had a lot to say about why most startups fail, and in turn why theirs not only survived but thrived as well! And the answer is simpler than you might imagine. 

It's all to do with how you manage your profits and what intention you set for your business very early on. 

Irfan's policy is to keep their focus on increasing the quality of their products instead of lavishly spending on maintaining offices and bringing in a crazy number of people to work. 

No, at Falcon Industries, they keep a minimum workforce and divide the work amongst themselves so that most of their profits go into keeping the prices at an all-time low while upholding and increasing their quality standards. 

According to Irfan, this is where most startups make mistakes. They pursue the "aesthetics" of their company instead of first maintaining integrity and a relationship with the customer. Because in the end, no matter how grand your workplace is, if your product isn't up to the mark, it's not going to thrive in the market. 

Falcon Industries continues to rise like a phoenix in the agricultural market because of dedicated minds and soaring hearts like Mohammad Irfan and his passion for his business. 

Unparalleled, indeed. 

Inspired you, didn't he? 

Falcon Industries truly is a pioneer in their field. So go take a look through their socials to keep track of how they are faring. And if you are a farmer or just an agriculturist who is always looking for up-and-coming Indian companies that are on the rise in this field, connect with Mohammad Irfan and his team and let them show you what QUALITY means. 

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