Prof K V Rama Rao - Teacher, Guide and Philanthropist

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K V Rama Rao is one of the notable names amongst teachers, educationists and students of Bangalore. Rama Rao has successfully completed 30 years as a professor of commerce to Degree and PU students at Vijaya College, It is roughly estimated that he has interacted and taught with more than 30,000 commerce students so far and is fondly known as RR Sir by all of his students. 


K V Rama Rao was born on the 8th of March 1964 in Kakolu near Doddaballapura. K V Rama Rao’s parents Venkatachaliah and Sumithramma were the first role models to Rama Rao, He is the youngest among his siblings and while talking to us he recalls “My Brothers and Sisters influenced my growth and career choices and it was  really nice to have bought up in a joint family like ours.”

Rama Rao is married to Hema R Rao, who also is a Hindi Associate Professor and HOD of Hindi at Vijaya College, Jayanagar. When asked his about his family he said “It is nice to be taking this interview on the day of my Wedding Anniversary and this will be a nice surprise to my wife. She has been a great support to me and my children. My daughter is studying journalism and my son is an Engineer and currently is in Germany”


Rama Rao recollects his school days and remembers his friend Ramesh Arvind with whom he had most fun and he says “I appeared in one of the episodes of Weekend with Ramesh, we have been friends for a long time and I have even taught his son, It is wonderful how life comes to full circle”


Rama Rao did his schooling in National School, followed by his PU from Vijaya College and his Degree from PES Degree College. Rama Rao goes on to say “Growing up I always looked up to influential business magnets like Narayan Murthy, Ratan Tata along with economists like Manmohan Singh and Pranab Mukharjee for inspiration. After my B Com I wanted to follow my dream of becoming a CA, but my Father passed away suddenly and I had to discontinue my CA preparation and take up teaching. After my B.Com, I went on to pursue M.Com along with MBA, post which I took up teaching, Teaching is something I thoroughly enjoy and I always remember this one quote by Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishna, he once said, 'Poor Teachers Complain, Average Teachers Explain, Good Teachers Teach and Great Teachers Inspire', I have always loved this quote and personally I try my best to inspire my students. To some extent I’d like to think I have been successful, 100s of my students are now the leading CA’s of the country, 100’s of students are even lecturers, this sometimes makes me feel like ‘I am a Teacher of Teachers’ and a lot more of my students have turned out to be successful Entrepreneurs and Businessmen.”


Rama Rao says “I started as a Part-Time faculty member and looking back at my initial days it has definitely been a wonderful teaching journey.” Rama Rao along with being a teaching faculty he has been a Visiting Faculty at various B-Schools; He has served as a committee member for SSLC by NCF: Rama Rao has also been featured in Educational Videos on Youtube in partnership with AsmathGuru and is well versed with the inner workings of Virtual Teaching and Automated Coaching Systems. Rama Rao is now the Director for the Department of Commerce at GR College, Bangalore. Rama Rao while in conversation with us specified that he is working on new research & development in the field of Commerce and is currently on the verge of pursuing PhD, while most teachers preach about "Learning is a never ending process" Rama Rao is practising this and it is truly inspiring to have such educators amongst us.

Rama Rao has always been proactive in teaching and also working towards educating the lesser privileged, He is seen as an active member of Udaya Bhanu Kala Sangha. Rama Rao has initiated medical camps in Kakolu, Doddaballapura.

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